Does turning off aero improve performance
Does turning off aero improve performance

I then went to the exe file and clicked the compatibility tab.

does turning off aero improve performance

It still did not shut down Aero automatically. I downloaded and installed the latest 9.4 Drivers. Is anyone else having an issue with this and have you found a workaround other than jsut turning off the AERO Interface altogether? I seems to be either all or nothing when it comes to AERO. I went searcing through W& hoping to find a way to manually disable the AERO Interface for specific programs like Vista and the Beta did automatically but I was not able to find a way to do that. On my system the Beta Version of W7 ran great and I was very impressed with ti's perfomance. It seems to me they have taken a step backwards in the RC. I am running an ATI 4870 1gb Video card with ATI's Beta Windows 7 Drivers.

does turning off aero improve performance

Vista and the W7 Beta were smarter programs. This is too little to late as the program you are trying to use has already crashed. Then the W7 RC gives a message that you are using excessive video resources and recommends turning the Aero Interface Off. THe only way to shut them down is to go into the "Task Manager" and turn the program off. In Windows 7 RC that no longer happens and the Games and other programs are locking up after a short period of use.

does turning off aero improve performance

When using the Aero Interface in Vista and the Windows 7 Beta the Aero Interface would be turned off before entering a game or other video intensive application.

Does turning off aero improve performance